Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Alcantara Jok kulit BMW seri 320 Lci M sport Limitid Edition

Alcantara adalah bahan penutup diproduksi dan dipasarkan oleh Alcantara SpA. It is primarily used in the design, fashion, accessories, consumer electronics, automotive and marine industries. Hal ini terutama digunakan dalam industri desain, fashion, aksesoris, elektronik konsumen, otomotif dan kelautan.
The material was developed in the early 1970s by Miyoshi Okamoto, a scientist working for the Japanese chemical company Toray Industries . Materi yang dikembangkan pada awal 1970-an oleh Miyoshi Okamoto, seorang ilmuwan yang bekerja untuk perusahaan kimia Jepang Toray Industries . It was based on the same technology as another product from the same company named Ultrasuede .  Around 1972, a joint venture between Italian chemical company ENI and Toray formed Alcantara SpA in order to manufacture and distribute the material.  The company is now owned by Toray and Mitsui . Hal ini didasarkan pada teknologi yang sama seperti produk lain dari perusahaan yang sama bernama Ultrasuede .Sekitar tahun 1972, perusahaan patungan antara perusahaan kimia Italia ENI dan Toray dibentuk Alcantara SpA untuk memproduksi dan mendistribusikan materi.  perusahaan ini sekarang dimiliki oleh Toray dan Mitsui .
Alcantara is produced by combining an advanced spinning process (producing very low denier bi-component "islands in the sea" fibre ) and chemical and textile production processes (needle punching, buffing , impregnation, extraction, finishing, dyeing , etc.) which interact with each other. Alcantara diproduksi dengan menggabungkan proses pemintalan canggih (memproduksi sangat rendah denier bi-komponen "pulau-pulau di laut" serat ) dan kimia dan tekstil proses produksi (jarum meninju, buffing , peresapan, ekstraksi, finishing, pencelupan , dll) yang berinteraksi Dengan satu-sama lain.

Alcantara is composed of about 68% polyester and 32% polyurethane , giving increased durability and stain resistance. Alcantara terdiri dari sekitar 68% polyester dan 32% polyurethane , memberikan peningkatan daya tahan dan tahan noda. The appearance and tactile feel of the material is similar to that of suede, and it may be incorrectly identified as such. Penampilan dan taktil nuansa bahan yang mirip dengan suede , dan mungkin salah diidentifikasi sebagai tersebut.
Some versions are designated as flame retardant in order to meet certain fire standards for both furnishings and automobile applications.  Beberapa versi ditetapkan sebagai tahan api dalam rangka memenuhi standar api tertentu untuk kedua perabotan dan mobil aplikasi.

Penggunaan saat ini

Alcantara has applications including furniture,  clothing, jewellery, helmets and automotive (such as in seating, dash trimming and headliners in many high-end OEM automotive suppliers). Alcantara memiliki aplikasi termasuk furniture,pakaian, perhiasan, helm dan otomotif (seperti di tempat duduk, dasbor pemangkasan dan headliners di banyak high-end OEM pemasok otomotif). Alcantara is being used currently as a flame retardant driver seat covering material for Formula One race cars, including the Williams Formula One 2011 FW33 car. It is also used in the ear pads material for the high-end, headphones Sennheiser HD800 and the Sennheiser Momentum On-Ear.  Alcantara also is used in SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule.  Alcantara sedang digunakan saat ini sebagai kursi pengemudi flame retardant meliputi bahan untuk Formula Satu mobil balap, termasuk Williams Formula Satu 2011 FW33 mobil.  Hal ini juga digunakan dalam bahan bantalan telinga untuk high-end, headphone Sennheiser HD800 dan Sennheiser Momentum On-Ear.  Alcantara juga digunakan dalam SpaceX ini kru Naga kapsul. 


Authorized BMW Dealer PT. Tunas Mobilindo Parama
BMW Balikpapan ( Kalimantan Timur )
Cp : Agus Kurniakim 082354991005

Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

BMW 320 lCi sport DAN Luxury 2015 dan 2016 ready di balikpapan Cp : Agus Kurniakim 082354991005



Urban in l/100 km7.9–7.3 [7.6–6.9]
Extra-urban in l/100 km4.8–4.5 [4.7–4.4]
Combined in l/100 km5.9–5.5 [5.8–5.3]
CO2 emissions combined in g/km138–128 [134–124]
Tank capacity, approx. in l60


Top speed in km/h235
Acceleration 0–100 km/h in s7.2 [7.3]


Unladen weight EU in kg1,505 [1,525]
Max. permissible weight in kg2,005 [2,025]
Permitted load in kg575
Permitted axle load front/rear in kg935/1,155

Combustion engine

Capacity in ccm1,998
Stroke/bore in mm94.6/82.0
Engine power in kW (PS) at 1/min135 (184)/5,000
Engine torque (Nm) at 1/min290/1,350–4,250
Compression ratio : 1


Tyre dimensions front205/60 R16 92W
Tyre dimensions rear205/60 R16 92W
Wheel dimensions and material front7 J x 16 inches, light-alloy
Wheel dimensions and material rear7 J x 16 inches, light-alloy


Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

340i M Sport
Unladen weight EU in kg
1,605 [1,615]
Max. permissible weight in kg
2,090 [2,100]
Permitted load in kg
Permitted axle load front/rear in kg
Capacity in ccm
Stroke/bore in mm
Max. output in kW (hp) at 1/min
240 (326)/5,500–6,500
Max. torque in Nm at 1/min
Compression ratio : 1
Top speed in km/h
Acceleration 0–100 km/h in s
5.2 [5.1]
Fuel consumption
Urban in l/100 km
10.4–10.0 [9.1–8.6]
Extra-urban in l/100 km
6.1–5.9 [5.5–5.3]
Combined in l/100 km
7.7–7.4 [6.8–6.5]
CO2 emissions in g/km
179–172 [159–152]
Tank capacity, approx. in l
Tyre dimensions front
225/50 R17 94 W
Tyre dimensions rear
225/50 R17 94 W
Wheel dimensions and material front
7,5 J x 17 inches, light-alloy
Wheel dimensions and material rear
7,5 J x 17 inches, light-alloy

BMW Balikpapan yang bernama PT Laneka Jaya telah diambil alih oleh PT. Tunas Mobilindo Parama sejak bulan april 2015 hingga sekarang, BMW Balikpapan melayani penjualan unit, melayani exclusive Service  dan penjualan accessories  ,  alamat showroom bmw